Parent Testimonials

Here is what people are saying about TASK:

As high school graduation was rapidly approaching, I found myself thinking more and more about what Emily would do without her “friends”. Her entire social life was her school life. She didn’t spend time with friends on the weekends going to the mall, movies, dances, parties. There were no sleepovers. So when she graduated, her time with “friends” would cease to exist. I prayed for something that would give her a chance to make new friends, give her opportunities to try new things and enjoy life, not just Monday through Friday. And then we found TASK. TASK is everything we hoped it would be and more! Since her first bowling session to now, Emily’s social life has become more active than mine! TASK has given Emily the opportunity to do Zumba, Softball, Drama, Art, just to name a few. And one of the most exciting things, she had her first sleepover at the age of 19!

She has friends. REAL friends! Seeing what TASK has done for her and so many others, I knew I wanted to help make a difference in other young people’s lives like it had for Emily. I’m happy to say that I am not just the proud mother of a TASK athlete, I am now a proud Board Member too! My only regret? Not knowing about TASK years ago!

- Beth, TASK Parent

We have really enjoyed seeing Fox learn social skills and be involved with team sports. The workers at TASK really work well with the kiddos. They allow them to be themselves while encouraging them to step outside their box. We love being a part of the TASK family!

- Julia, Fox’s Mom

Kim has always been friendly, but since starting TASK it’s opened up a new part of her personality. She loves coming to any activity that’s offered as she has made many friends & is disappointed when there’s nothing scheduled for her to attend. She looks forward to coming to basketball, kickball, or soccer & she loves that everyone has fun & everyone’s a winner, no matter what. I’m truly grateful for TASK as Kim was unable to play sports for her school but is able to play & have fun & learn about the game in a manner that’s not always competitive. She’s like any other person in that she hates to lose, but knows that sometimes in life, we don’t always win.

I thank you again for always making Kim feel special & for having a place where kids can come play sports or learn life skills that they’ll need throughout their entire lives. TASK is truly a blessing for anyone who has a child with special needs; every child is accepted for who they are & what they can bring to the interaction.

-Denny, TASK Parent

I have been going to TASK for 19 years. I have participated in almost every sport at TASK. My favorite sports at TASK are soccer and competitive basketball. I also went to TASK CBC camps and their social nights. I met my good friend Ryan at TASK. I do stuff with him like bowling and going to the movies. Me and Ryan also go to Six Flags during the summer time and Fright Fest. Me and Ryan go on roller coasters and water rides if they are open at six flags. I really enjoy meeting new friends and doing things that I have never done before.

- Matthew, TASK Participant

I like TASK because it is a great place to meet new friends. We play together on a team or meet during Zumba or Yoga. We have so much fun that we want to stay together after the session is finished. These friends are special to me.

I also like the staff at TASK. They are so nice to me. They care about how I feel and help me try new things. Last fall, I was a narrator in a play. I was proud to have this role. Another time I got to sing in a talent show. I was a little nervous, but our director told me I could do it and I did. I am looking forward to the variety show. I will sing another song.
I like playing sports, going to Zumba, the Friday socials, TASK Camp and the Drama Club. I do things at TASK that I cannot do by myself.

-Lisa, TASK Participant

My favorite thing to do at TASK is summer camp. At summer camp we get to swim every day! I love swimming and talk about it all year long. The best part of swimming at TASK is that my buddy helps me do things that I can’t do on my own, like go down the big slide. The big slide is my favorite! You go down very quickly and it wasn’t scary because my buddy can help me at the bottom.
TASK also has fun clubs where I get to see some of my best friends. My favorite clubs are Drama and Zumba. In drama, I get to dance and sing and talk in a microphone. I got to speak in the microphone at school this year and didn’t get nervous because TASK taught me how! TASK is a fun place to be with friends, learn new things and just be me. I love TASK!

- Katie, TASK Participant